I've always got a couple books on the go and usually in multiple genres. Not generally one for the fluffy, my go-to's are; romantic suspense, real life adventure/bio's, a bit of man-love and I have a soft spot when it comes to the tortured heroes and a good tragedy. What all this says about me...IDK?  Oh yeah, I'm also a (GR's) refugee.

August 2014
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reviewed: Excellent urban fantasy/horror
Opening Line: “I read a poll in the newspaper once that said the number one fear of Americans aged eighteen to sixty-five is ...
The Turning - Jennifer Armintrout
August 2014
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reviewed: Super good (especially for dog lovers who like a HEA)
Opening Line: "Bob had left the food carton on the counter the night before and it now smelled of grease and fish."As a dog l...
Lost & Found - Jacqueline Sheehan
August 2014
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Moving house has been an absolute nightmare -- let's not discuss it. I'm also trying desperately to catch up with my writing ...
reviewed: Mr Awesome!
Opening Line: "The shriek of the bolt being drawn in the cell block door shattered the sultry afternoon silence." TRUST ME ...
Trust Me - Caroline Cross
August 2014
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reviewed: Got totally caught up in this; baseball hero, stalker plot, Florida setting
Opening Line: “Devin Carter had five days off thanks to a torn knee ligament, and he needed to get away from everyone and eve...
The Blue Paradise - Theo Fenraven
August 2014
Once again, I can't post this on my regular blog, because it feeds to Goodreads, and I'm pretty sure this would get me kicked...
I just snatched up a copy of Jayne Ann Krentz's "Sweet Fortune" after seeing her post on Facebook that it's now available as ...
"We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race And the ...
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reviewed: A short read but decades in it's telling
Opening line: “I have always loved my wife” Wow, this was one of those short sneaky books that you devour in a day and then...
Sunrise on Kusatsu Harbor - Dan Maloney
August 2014
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