Another faced paced, sexy read from the BOI's

Opening Line: "It was business as usual at Bali Hai Casino on the Vegas strip, which meant that every nut job and wacko who could arrange bail was on the prowl."
WHISPER NO LIES is another thrilling instalment from Cindy Gerard’s Black-Ops series and with each book better than the last this is a great ride. Skilfully whisking us away to yet another exotic location Gerard gives us a kick butt heroine this time to go along with the daring roof top rescues, shootouts, explosions and boat chases. We also get the sweetest of love stories between a couple that never expected to find it especially with each other. Of course the entire team turns up so there’s also some great secondary characters who when tied together with an international crime lord and human trafficking give you everything you could possibly want in romantic suspense.
Crystal and Johnny as our heroes were first introduced to us in TAKE NO PRISONERS and have in fact been sleeping together ever since which is part of what makes this story so interesting. I’ve never read a romance before where the couple is already together and wondered how the author was going to make it exciting without the usual build up to “the deed” Well let me tell you Gerard manages and then some. This is one exciting couple and watching them try to keep things casual when emotions take over is a lot of fun. The first time they do ‘it’ with feeling there are tender looks and words and then when each subsequently freaks out you’ll laugh but your heart strings will give a little tug too.
When a wealthy Asian man propositions Crystal at the Vegas casino she manages she flat out refuses and immediately puts the strange man and his cronies out of her mind. I mean it’s not like men don’t hit on her all the time besides right now her hands are full with Texan heartbreaker Johnny Reed. His mystery job has him out of town again which suits Crystal just fine because as good as the sex is and as much as she likes him she knows Johnny will never be anything more than just a fling. That night however sees Crystal getting kidnapped and when she wakes up in Jakarta Indonesia, branded and a prisoner in Yao’s white slavery ring she knows she‘s in serious trouble. Now if she only knew someone who could rescue her, someone with say military training and a whole team to back him up.
Despite his flirty grin and playboy ways Johnny can’t get Crystal off his mind, damn if that little pixie hasn’t found a way into his closed off heart. When she goes missing its up to Johnny to get the BOI’s together and lead a potential suicide mission into Yao’s lair to rescue her and likely ruin his carefree heartbreaker act in the process.
This is a fantastic series that I can’t get enough of and Gerard’s not so happily-ever-after endings continue to leave me guessing until the last moment before providing a glimpse of our couples future and updates on past characters. Cheers
-As you can guess Lost's Sawyer is my perfect Johnny Reed.