Mofia suspense gives way to heart warming romance.

Opening Line: "He sauntered past the two shirtless, muscle-bound bouncers, the C-note he slipped the man on his right earning his passage through Club Madrone's front door--and a quick grope over his ass."
This was some damn fine M/M romantic suspense, however I’d have to admit that I struggled a bit with the first 'part' of Mexican Heat, being more of a romantic and not really into the whole Scarface gangster aspect. (Yeah I kept picturing Tony Montana’s world) This is a great action adventure though and the second 'part' which I absolutely adored more then made up for (my) shaky beginnings.
As well as a fantastic story the love scenes here are very, very good, with an intriguing balance set between dominance and submission. That first encounter in the nightclub office… Wow, now there’s a definite multiple read scene.
I also loved Antonio’s sweetness; his understanding and unwavering love of Gabriel and the slow removal of his ‘Gatito’s’ walls will just break your heart. There were a couple of things I didn’t “see” coming and one predictable reveal, although that didn’t bother me as it just made sense to the overall story. All in all a worthy read from the M/M genre with action, romance, suspense, tequila drinking (games), undercover cops, drug lords, mob boss’s, gun play, explosions, misguided vixen’s, sweet love makin and more twists and turns then the worm in the bottom of the bottle.
Police Detective Gabriel Sandalini is deep undercover for Italian mob boss Ricco Botelli, willing to do almost anything at this point to bring the shark down. When he randomly hooks up with a sexy and dominant stranger at a night club Gabriel never expects to see the man again, and that’s just the way he likes it. However when his boss Botelli teams up with the Mexican mob Gabriel’s sultry nightclub stranger -Antonio Sanchez, makes a reappearance, as the drug lords lieutenant.
Now it looks like Gabriel is going to have to take down his lover too. That is if he can make it through the next couple of days. Because his boss’s fiancée Gina can’t keep her hands off him, Sanchez is watching his every move (and making a few of his own) and if that weren’t enough of a distraction he may have just been made by the cartel. Then here’s the whole man love issue and I don’t imagine that’s taken too lightly in the lawless gangster world either. Yes Gabriel has his hands full and while part 1 of this book maintains a level of breathtaking suspense part 2 gives us a heart warming romance. And that’s just how I like it. Salud